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[청정기술연구소] 제19회 청정기술국제심포지엄 안내(2019.11.15.금) N

  • 작성자 청정에너지중점연구소사업단
  • 등록일 : 2019.11.13 11:58
  • 조회수 : 11881
19회 청정기술국제심포지엄 안내


   영남대학교 부설 청정기술연구소와 청정에너지중점연구소사업단에서는 에너지 소재·공정 관련하여 명성이 있는 국내외 전문가를 모시고 아래와 같이 청정기술국제심포지엄을 개최하고자 합니다부디 참석하셔서 유익한 토론 및 정보교류의 장으로 만들어 주시면 감사하겠습니다.


일시 : 2019년 11월 15일 () 10:10 ~ 18:00

장소 : 영남대학교 화공관 214

주최 : 청정에너지중점연구소사업단 (한국연구재단 지정)


      BK21플러스IT·에너지소재공정 창의화공인재 양성사업단


진행은 모두 영어로 이루어지며보다 자세한 행사일정은 아래 프로그램을 참고하시기 바랍니다.




영남대학교 청정에너지중점연구소사업단 단장 심재진 드림

19th International Symposium on Clean Technology Program



Hosted by

Clean Energy Priority Research Center at YU (supported by MOE)

The Institute of Clean Technology at YU

BK21 PLUS IT and Energy Materials and Processes Program

Nano Energy Materials and Processes Laboratory

Venue :

Chemical Eng. (Bldg. E24) Room 214, Yeungnam University

Date/Time :

November 15, 2019 (Friday)



9:50-10:10 Registration

Opening Ceremony 


Prof. Moonyong Lee / Professor, School of Chemical Engineering


Opening Address


Prof. Jae-Jin Shim / Director, Institute of Clean Technology

& Director, Clean Energy Priority Research Center


Congratulatory Address


Prof. Si Ok Ryu / Dean, College of Engineering

Research Presentations

Session 1:

Synthesis of Biomaterials and Functional Materials


Jeong Hyun Seo


Invited Speech

Jojoba oil as energy promising source of sustainable energy in Saudi Arabia; A new initiative in King Faisal University, Hofuf, Alhssa, Saudi Arabia


Prof. Ibrahim Saker Saad Al-Mssallem (King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia)


Invited Speech

Green syntheic approach and technology for the functional materials


Prof. Debabrata Maiti (IIT Bombay, India)


Methane pyrolysis for hydrogen and separable carbon production in catalytic molten metals and salts


Prof. Dohyung Kang (Yeungnam University, Korea)

12:20-13:30 Lunch Break

Session 2:

Energy Storage Materials for Batteries and Supercapacitors


Gibaek Lee


Keynote Speech

Gel and solid electrolytes for lithium ion batteries and electrochemical capacitors


Prof. Hsisheng Teng (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)


Invited Speech

Synthesis of nanocomposites with a high porosity and capacity based on graphene and metal sulfides for supercapacitor electrodes


Prof. Van Hoa Nguyen (Nha Trang University, Vietnam)


Invited Speech

Cathode materials for Li-ion batteries


Prof. Kyu Tae Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)

Session 3:

Poster Session with Coffee Break (ChE 2F & 3F Hall)


Chair: Prof. Taeho Yoon

Session 4:

Advanced Chemistry: Plasmonic and Calculational


Chan-Wook Jeon


Invited Speech

Theoretical study of synthesis of carbon allotropes via First Principles calculation


Prof. Sang Kyu Kwak (UNIST, Korea)


Turning photons into chemical reactions: plasmonic Au photocatalysts


Prof. Youngsoo Kim (Yeungnam University, Korea)


Poster Awards

Closing Remarks


Prof. Jae-Jin Shim / Director, Institute of Clean Technology


Lab Tour